Safety Rules & Guidelines
Safety is our number 1 priority
Please understand the risks & take care. BOUNCE is an action sports facility where injuries can happen. Like all sports, participants need to decide if the benefits of involvement are worth the risk of injury. Jumping, rebounding using trampolines creates the risk for potential injury even when being safe. The potential for injury is greatly reduced when you:
Jump Safe
Jump within your skill level
Follow the rules
Watch out for other jumpers
The whole point of BOUNCE is to have as much fun as possible jumping around. A critical part of this is a safe and soft landing and a safe environment to enjoy a real sense of freedom. Our rules and guidelines are designed to keep everyone safe and minimise the chance of injury. Rules are shown below in four categories: General Safety Rules (apply to the whole centre), Big Bag Safety Rules, “The Wall” Safety Rules, Performance Trampoline Safety rules, Basketball rules & Dodgeball game rules. You will also find these rules displayed around BOUNCE. Please read them carefully and follow them.
General Safety Rule
One person per trampoline
Jump within your skill level
Don’t jump or land on the padding
Area Specific Rules
Take extra care – trampolines in this area provide superior height & a greater degree of difficulty & risk. Jumpers must be over 110cm in height. Don’t jump or land on the padding – it is there as a safety precaution. Don’t attempt any activity beyond your skill level. Only one person on each trampoline at a time. Never land on your head or enter the big bag backwards. BOUNCE crew members monitor safety strictly & their direction must be followed.
The Wall is for advanced jumpers only. BOUNCE crew members monitor the area strictly. Jumpers must be over 110cm in height. Only one jumper permitted on each wall trampoline at any time. Ensure no one is on the trampoline bed before jumping off The Wall. Only stand on top of the wall when you are actively using one of The Wall trampolines. No climbing or scrambling up The Wall – if you can’t ‘run up’ develop your skills in other areas first.
Never dive head first into the pit. Don’t enter if others are in the way. Safely land on your bum or back. Spread your legs & bend your knees when entering the pit. Don’t bury yourself in the pit as others may jump on you without knowing. Remove all items from pockets. Exit as quickly as you can.
No hanging off the hoop, backboard or support bars. Stay on your track – don’t jump across padding. No jumping or dunking from behind the backboard. Only one person on each trampoline at a time. Only attempt dunks within your skill level.
Minimum 125cm height required for all participants. One participant per obstacle at a time. Only attempt obstacles within your skill level. Lace-up sports/skate shoes must be worn in the area. Watch out for other participants at all times to ensure adequate spacing. Give way to faster runners.
Max of 8 players per team. You may deflect a ball being thrown at you by using a ball in your hands. The court referee’s call is final. Once out, exit and wait for the next game. “YOU’RE OUT” IF: You’re hit by a ‘live ball’. You throw a ‘live ball’ that’s caught before it touches the ground or wall. ‘Live’ is a ball that has been thrown and not touched anything. You hit someone in the head. You cross or enter the neutral zone. You hold a ball for longer than 10 seconds.
Participants must be above 110cms. Grip socks must be worn at all times. Only attempt obstacles within your skill level. One participant per obstacle at a time. Give way to faster runners. No climbing on the metal trusses.
Participants must be above 110cms and less than 120kg to use the High Ropes Course. Hold on to the handrail whilst using stairs. High Ropes harness must be worn at all times. No High Ropes walking without being clipped into the belay.
*BOUNCE Cromer have different area rules, please talk to a friendly Host if you have any questions.
All participants must watch a compulsory safety brief before climbing. A harness fitted by a BOUNCE crew member must be worn at all times. Children under 12 years must be accompanied by a person 16 years or older. Only one person on a challenge at a time. Look below before you jump down. No climbing without being clipped into the auto belay. BOUNCE crew strictly monitor safety & their direction must be followed. Closed toed shoes must be worn in the climbing areas at all times. Participants must be more than 10kgs and less than 150kgs in weight.
Children must be under 110cm in height to play in the playground and be supervised by a parent/guardian at all times. Parents remain responsible for their child at all times. Only socks must be worn in the playground at all times. No loose articles of clothing to be worn in the playground. Slides are to be used feet first only. No food or drink within the playground area. No climbing on the outside of the play structures.
-BOUNCE approved socks must be worn to ensure good grip.
-Don’t attempt any activity beyond your skill level.
-Don’t jump or land on padding.
-Watch out for other jumpers & always allow smaller jumpers right of way.
-Only one person on each trampoline at a time.
-Safely land on two feet or your bum when bouncing.
-No double bouncing, wrestling or rough play.
-No food or drink on or near the trampolines.
-In order to keep our guests and patrons safe, anyone who is pregnant, currently injured or under the influence of drugs or alcohol are not permitted to jump.
There are no age restrictions, but in order to ensure the safety of our bouncers, miniBOUNCERs must be able to walk unassisted and must be under 110cms. Available to book only where miniBOUNCER symbol is displayed. For their safety, this area is restricted to jumpers under 110cm only.
Keeping Kids Safe
BOUNCE has developed a Child and Youth Risk Management Strategy that is designed to help ensure BOUNCE venues are safe and supportive places for children and young people to attend.